明日之星Mega Ice五人冰球賽中嶄露頭角

2016megaice_Atom 2016 Champions_HKIHA X-20160430

【體路專訊】由MegaBox及Mega Ice主辦的「2016 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」青少年組別昨日(30 日)於Mega Ice上演多場決賽,經過連場激戰,終於決出各組別的最終冠軍!

2016megaice_HKIHA X (red) challengin HKIHA Z (white)-20160430

2016megaice_HKIHA X (white) charging forward-20160430

2016megaice_Hong Kong Selects (blue) holding off Baird Dbees-20160430

「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」是全亞洲最大型的冰球賽事,今屆比賽於4月25日至5月7日舉行,近1200名精英球員、80支球隊挑戰各項錦標。為期12天的賽事分為青少年組(5至16歲)及成年組(17歲或以上),其中在青少年組別共有9個決賽。

2016megaice_Bantam A 2016 Champions_Hong Kong Selects-20160430

2016megaice_Bantam B 2016 Champions_HKIHA X-20160430

2016megaice_Pee B Champions 2016_ International North Stars-20160430

在Pee Wee A決賽,Hong Kong Selects與ROC Sports Typhoon要鬥到加時始分勝負,最終Hong Kong Selects以2:1獲勝,成為今屆賽事首位誕生的皇者。同日上演的第二場Bantam B冠軍戰,由HKIHA X迎戰HKIHA Z,最終HKIHA X以2:1勝出。

2016megaice_Hong Kong Selects score against HKIHA Z in the Mini Squirt A Final-20160430

2016megaice_International North Stars (top) jumping away from HKIHA Z-20160430

2016megaice_Kaohsiung Rapid Eagles goalie (white) saving a shot from HK Selects (white)-20160430

在下午上演的Squirt A決賽中,Kaohsiung Rapid Eagles以2:1撃敗Hong Kong Selects。不過之後Hong Kong Selects面對HKIHA Z有神勇演出,最終以10:1「大炒」對手,拿下 Mini Squirt A桂冠。此外,Hong Kong Selects亦在Bantam A決賽中力拒Baird Dbees的來犯,以6:0勇奪冠軍。

2016megaice_Singapore Ice Dragons (red) 2-on-1 with HKIHA X-20160430

2016megaice_Pee Wee A 2016 Final_Hong Kong Selects (white) skipping away from-20160430

2016megaice_Singapore Ice Dragons (white) takes on HKIHA Z-20160430

HKIHA X在Atom決賽中以5:3降服Canstar Ranger,不過之後在Mini Squirt B決賽,HKIHA X卻以1:5不敵新加坡冰龍。另外,新加坡冰龍在Squirt B決賽較亦以7:0輕取HKIHA Z。而International North Stars則在Pee Wee B決賽中脫穎而出,以5:0氣走HKIHA Z。

2016megaice_Squirt B 2016 Champions_Singapore Ice Dragons-20160430

2016megaice_Squirt A 2016 Champions_Kaohsiung Rapid Eagles-20160430

2016megaice_Pee Wee A 2016 Champions_Hong Kong Selects-20160430


「2016 Mega Ice五人冰球賽」青少年組別成績

決賽 冠軍
Mini Squirts A組 Hong Kong Selects
Mini Squirts B組 新加坡冰龍(Singapore Ice Dragons)
Squirt A組 Kaohsiung Rapid Eagles
Squirt B組 新加坡冰龍(Singapore Ice Dragons)
Pee Wee A組 Hong Kong Selects
Pee Wee B組 International North Stars
Bantam A組 Hong Kong Selects
Bantam B組 HKIHA X

更多「Mega Ice五人冰球賽」賽事資訊,請按此瀏覽。