










陳俊輝會長(綠衫)與一眾教練和運動員合照,共同分 享喜悅。
陳俊輝會長(綠衫)與一眾教練和運動員合照,共同分 享喜悅。

港隊伊朗籍教練Mahmoud Karkabadi曾於世界錦標賽獲得第四名,他由2009年開始執教香港自由搏擊隊,花了6年時間將港隊大改造,訓練著重技術和戰術運用,提倡採取主動性的打法,自2011年開始他更帶領港隊遠赴伊朗集訓,與當地數之不盡的高水平運動員交流,港隊成員進步神速,近年成績有目共睹。

港空手道搏擊隊教練Mahmoud Karkabadi感想全文:
「I’m very happy and honored to be the part of the Hong Kong Karatedo Team. My team is not just a team for me they are my family. When i first came team was good but in lack of confidence that they can win the bet. Today i can say they have changed, gained more confidence and getting recognized at the world level, both male and female team. I’m very happy that last year for the first time ever we had final at the Asian Games and a close fight for the gold.
Whole team brought their performances to the higher level where almost everyone have medal from Karate-1 competitions and very good performances at the Asian Games and World Championship, I also look to the younger team and their future for the next 2 or 4 years. My main goal now is a medal at WKF individual and team in the next 4 years.」。


而擔任港套拳隊有半年時間的克羅地亞女教練Marijana Kiuk,她引入歐洲訓練的模式,將體能與套拳訓練結合。現時港隊大部份賽事均於歐洲國家舉行,她以歐洲裁判的眼光去改善運動員演繹套拳時的節奏和觀感,幫助港隊於世界性的賽事取得優勢。

港空手道套拳隊教練Marijana Kiuk感想全文:
「As a new comer i have to say I’m very pleased and have the honor to be the part of Hong Kong Karatedo Team. As a coach to have a such a hard working and potential team who showed they are ready for the big result. To have all the facilities and help from the HKSI and national federation to bring Hong Kong karata team to the highest level and showed how good they are. My team is not just a team for me, they are my family, I’m not just their coach I’m their friend. In this 6 months that I’m here and very happy to see how much team improved and looking forward to the future ahead of us. I’m very proud on the results we had this year at the Karate-1 tournaments but most of all 5th place at the Asian Games in male kata and 7th place in female individual kata at the World Championship. It showed what i already knew, the quality and ability of this team at the world level. My plan in next 4 years is
getting medal at the AKF individual and team and medal in individual at WKF. Looking forward to the years ahead of us.」。

引用「台上一分鐘,台下十年功」,外界通常只能看見運動員 風光的一面,但能夠長期維持高強度、高質素的運動水平,背後的辛酸磨練和堅韌意志並不是常人能夠理解的。所以,外界、香港體育學院、體育總會、教練、家人、朋輩等等各方面的支持對運動員是非常非常的重要,那怕只是簡單的一句「加油!」,已是對運動員的最大推動力。




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