
大家好,很久未有更新網誌了。 近年我主要集中於工作和練習方面,節奏都比較忙碌。值得一提的,就是在2014年頭的渣打馬拉松勝出後,往後至今的比賽都很順和有優勢,無疑是對我打下一支強心針。

香港三項鐵人代表勞証顯網誌:衝擊 • 突破

大家好 ! 祝大家2014年新年進步 ! 破斧沈舟!多得總編輯及朋友的鼓勵,作出新嘗試,這次是我有史以來第一次跟大家用中文分享這幾個月的事情。

香港三項鐵人代表勞証顯網誌:LOST & FOUND

Hi guys, hope you all had a great time in the summer. It looks like winter…

香港三項鐵人代表勞証顯網誌:STRUGGLING, but still HUNGRY to move forward.

Hey guys, hope things go well. Life doesn’t always go smoothly and as well as we…

香港三項鐵人代表勞証顯網誌:THE GOOD SIGN

Hi everyone, I hope this finds you all in good sporting health. I think the best…

香港三項鐵人代表勞証顯網誌:On Fire for 2013

 Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great start for 2013. It is my great…

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