

【特別宣佈】今季係我踏入職業生涯嘅20週年,對我嚟講係好重要嘅一年。今日,我要向大家宣佈一個消息。由於早前眼部出現不適,經醫生檢查及診斷後,確定左眼的視網膜退化。惟大家不用擔心,我已接受激光手術,醫生建議暫時讓眼部休息。因此,嚟緊幾個月,我將不會參與任何賽事。抱歉暫不接受訪問,日內將安排會見各傳媒,謝謝各位關心。2018 is an important year for me personally as this is my 20th anniversary as a pro snooker player. Today, I would like to share an update with you. Since the beginning of the season, I have been having some problems with my left eye. I was told by the doctor that I’m suffering from retinal degeneration, laser surgery's been done so no worries! The doctor recommends a rest to avoid retinal detachment. Therefore I will not take part in any competition for the coming months. I regret to tell you that no interviews will be taken for now and I shall arrange an online session to take questions in the near future. Thank you for your support! English statement 👇🏻https://instagram.com/p/BefhUjWB8K8/

Marco Fu 傅家俊發佈於 2018年1月27日星期六

